About the Project

Combining the magic of yarncrafting, fiberarts, healing, charity and craftiness.

Magick Stitches Project is a group of crafty pagans focusing on fiberarts such as crochet and knitting.

We have monthly gatherings and attend local events to spread our love of yarncrafting with magic - and to also spread comfort through our Magick Stitches Project.

Currently, we are based out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania for our physical base of operations - but we wish to have other chapters all over when people invest the interest in starting one up. We will gladly offer to teach anyone interested in learning any of these yarncrafts.

Also home to the Magick Stitches Project - offering lapghans, shawls, scarves, etc. made by some of our members - for those in the local pagan community in need of some comfort. Whether illness, times of coping, etc. we are here to stitch a bit of comfort and magick for you.

If you are in need or want of an item - please contact us and someone will be sure to respond to your message as soon as possible.

As always - we gladly accept donations of yarn and monetary donations to aid in postage...

We are open to anyone interested in joining.

Our communication activity is based on our Yahoo Group page - please see the link on the left under "Contact Us".